The boys and girls enjoyed harvesting their brussel sprouts, potatoes, onions and red cabbage. They then prepared the soil for planting their winter cabbage. Great team work! Children from the Junior Room took part in a local nature walk. The boys and girls enjoyed getting out and exploring. The children took photos, completed a nature scavenger hunt, saw where the barn owl lives, collected seeds from wild flowers and most of all they loved looking at the frog which they found while looking for bugs with their bug catchers.
This month saw the start of our Fast Feet programme. All classes are engaging in Athletics coaching every Friday. At the end of the coaching sessions, children from 1st class to 4th class will compete in a sprint competition against other schools. Thanks to Joanne our Athletics coach for making it so much fun.
The boys and girls enjoyed a nature walk to learn about local wildlife. The children got the chance to see pheasants that have been reared and will be released into the wild. The children walked through the woods to see an active badger's set, a fox's den and where the pine martens like to scamper up and down the branches of the tree. The boys and girls then ventured down to the river to see where the otters live. Thanks to Paul Troy for educating the children all about their local wildlife.
December 2024