Farm Visit Checklist
Discussion Time - Farm Visit Checklist
Today the children had great discussions about farm safety. Firstly we thought about things we would need to know if we were going to visit a farm. The children came up with great questions we should ask ourselves before we visit a farm, to make sure it is safe. The boys and girls were then put into groups to discuss these questions and and to discuss how important it was to have a farm checklist before visiting a farm.
Safe Cross Code and Bike Safety
Safe Cross Code
This week boys and girls have been busy learning about road safety and how important it is to be safe on the road. The boys and girls in the junior room revised the rules of the road and learned their Safe Cross Code.
Seatbelt Sheriff
All boys and girls have been busy learning all about road safety and how important it is to wear your seatbelt in any vehicle. They will all make great Seatbelt Sheriffs.
As the weather is getting warmer more children are out and about on their bikes. Today we refreshed ourselves on the rules of the road that keep us safe when we are on our bikes. Boys and girls also brought in their helmets and we discussed why it is so important to wear a helmet when cycling a bike.
Know the Safety Signs
Sign Safety Webinar
Children enjoyed learning about Sign Safety on farms with Alma Jordan. It was great to see them engaging and answering lots of questions. They were also delighted to see some of their work shown at the end of the webinar.
Webinar Quiz
Boys and girls enjoyed taking part in the Webinar Quiz. It was a great to to see how much they had learned from watching the webinar with Alma Jordan.
Know Your Farm Safety Signs
Each child was given a different area on the farm to draw e.g. the barn, the slurry pit, the fields, the farmyard etc. We then looked at eachothers pictures in turn and discussed the possible dangers within their areas on the farm. Pupils were then set the task to make these areas safe. They cut out farm safety signs and stuck them on our art work in the relevant places.
Our Farm Signs
In class we have been learning all about the different signs on the farm and what they mean. Children were given the task to look for signs on their farm or if they do not live on a farm have a look in their local area. We revised our Farm Safe Checklist and discussed the importance of not visiting the farm without an adult. Boys and girls sent in some great photos of different signs on their farm/on a farm in their local area. As a class we talked about the photos and where we might find them.
We have been learning all about how dangerous slurry can be. We recapped on what we learnt from our webinar with Alma Jordan and tried out the fizzy drink experiment. In this experiment we used a fizzy drink and shook it just like an agitator would mix up the slurry. We then listened as one of the boys/girls opened the lid and yes we could hear gas but we could not see it. This resembles what happens when slurry is agiated and that is why it is important to stay back from the slurry and wear a mask when working with slurry. Boys and girls also interviewed some children from farming backgrounds to find out why slurry is so dangerous. Children also drew slurry safety signs.
This week we have been learning all about electricity and how dangerous it can be. We discussed the different things around the farm and in our home that use electricity and how important it is to keep safe around electricity.
Water Safety
Water Safety - PAWS
This year all pupils took part in the PAWS programme. It is very important for children to be aware of the dangers around water whether is at the beach, near a river or on a farm.
Dig In - Water Safety
Working At Heights
Discussion Time
Today boys and girls were learning all about working at heights. Firstly they watched a video which showed many dangers when working at heights. The boys and girls were then given photos of scenarious on a farm involving heights, falling or trip hazards this gave the children the opportunity to predict what might happen or what should be done to prevent an accident. Boys and girls also drew posters which shows the right way and the wrong way to use a ladder and how there should always be another person with you to make sure the ladder is secure.
Farmer Health & Wellness
It is very important to farmers to be healthy and fit as they need a lot of energy working on the farm. We decided to make healthy meals from vegetables and eggs that are produced on the farms of the pupils within our school. Today we had our first 'Farm to Fork' lesson. All pupils took part in making vegetable soup and brown bread. Feighery's kindly provided us with all the fresh vegetables and pupils followed their own recipe which they wrote to make the delicious soup. You can't beat Feighery's fresh vegetables!
For our second Farm to Fork lesson we used eggs as our main ingredient. Egan's kindly gave us lots of fresh free range eggs to use. In small groups pupils made their own omlettes. We also made scrambled egg and boiled eggs. Pupils enjoyed cooking the omlettes and really enjoyed eating them.
Dig In - Farmer Health and Wellness
Additional Lessons
Agri Aware's Dig in! - Farm and Countryside Safety
Every year as a school we teach Agri Aware's Dig in programme as part of our SESE lessons. Pupils enjoy the programme and learn so much about life on the farm and in the countryside.
As a class we discussed what is very important to have on a happy farm. The children came up with lots of different factors but one of the main ones being healthy animals on a livestock farm and healthy crops on a tillage farm. So we dug deeper and discussed what keeps our animals healthy? The children agreed that healthy food eg. grass would keep the animals healthy and strong and all farmers need good soil to grow good crops and grass. We decided to learn more about soil and what soil is made of.
This week we took a closer look at soil. We learned about the importance of soil and the different horizons within soil. We took a closer look under the microscope and carried out experiments to see if there is air and water in soil. We also discussed how important it is for a farmer to have good soil. Good soil = Good Grass / Crops = Happy Animals = Happy Farmer.
In class we collected our own soil samples in jars. In pairs we put soil into a jar and filled it up about half way. We then added water to fill the jar. We shook the jar and waited for the results. The next day we caould clearly see the different horizons formed within the soil. We talked about the different horizons and what makes up each horizon.
Boys and girls have been busy learning about 'Farm Safety'. This term we concentrated on knowing what different signs around the farm mean.
Know the Warning Signs
Webinar - Animal Safety
Pupils took part in a webinar all about 'Animal Safety'. During this webinar we learned all about the warning signs from animals telling us to stay away. Thank you Alma Jordan for another great webinar with lots of interaction.
Webinar Quiz
Boys and girls enjoyed taking part in the Webinar Quiz. It was a great to to see how much they had learned from watching the webinar with Alma Jordan.
Beware of the Bull
Children were given a picture of a bull. We talked about the picture and of how bulls can be very dangerous. The boys and girls were then given the task of changing the picture of a bull into a warning sign that a farmer could put on the gate of a field to let people know that there is a bull in the field.
Cows and Calves
Broughall NS is is taking part in the Hooves 4 Hospice Programme to raise much needed funds for a Hospice in the midlands. The school raised money and bought a calf. We named her Holly. Michael Carroll the Chairperson of our Board of Management is a beef farmer and he offered to host the calf on his farm. After 12- 15 months Holly will be sold at a special auction and all money raised will go towards building a hospice.
Michael Carroll brought Holly the calf up to our school. He explained to us how to behave around Holly so that we would remain safe. It was a great opportunity to ask questions about Holly and other animals on the farm.
Michael Carroll brought Holly the calf up to our school. He explained to us how to behave around Holly so that we would remain safe. It was a great opportunity to ask questions about Holly and other animals on the farm.
Is It Safe?
We had great fun playing our 'Is It Safe?' game. Children took turns in choosing an animal mask. Through their body language they showed the rest of the class whether they were happy or cross. Whoever got it right was on for the next game.
Seán's Calf
Seán brought in a photo of his calf. He told us all how he looks after his calf. He explained how it is safe to go in with his calf as there is no cow in the pen with him but he never goes to the farm to see his calf without an adult. Thanks Seán and well done. The boys and girls drew lovely pictures on how to be safe around cows and their calves,
Animal Safety - Horses
Today we discussed how we can tell if an animal is telling us to stay away. We learned how horse's ears can tell us a lot about what mood they are in. We talked about lots of different animals and the different things they do when they are happy and when they are cross. We also watched two great videos from Horse Racing Ireland which showed us all the dos and dont's around horses.
Dogs and Cats
Dogs and Cats
Today we learned all about cats and dogs and how they let us know how they are feeling. We discussed when we know it is safe / unsafe to pet a cat or dog. The boys and girls were given blank templates of a cat or a dog and the had to colour it in and add in the facial expression. In turn children then acted out out how their cat/dog felt and the rest of the class had to guess how the animal is feeling.
Today we learned what zoonoses are. We talked about why it important to wash our hands after been on the farm or petting animals. Junior and Senior Infants drew a handwashing picture. First and Second Class wrote our Handwashing Poem. These pictures will be stuck up at the back door of the school to remind children to wash their hands after they pet Snowflake the cat.
Handwahing Poem
As a class we learned 'The Handwashing Poem'. We also put actions with the poem to help us remember it.
Animal Care & Wellbeing
Animal Care
Today we talked about what different types of pets we have at home. We discussed how we mind them and keep them healthy. The boys and girls were then given a picture of an animal of their choice and they had to draw in the different care needs around the animal.
How Farmers care for their Animals
In Class we wrote stories about our farms. In our stories we wrote about the type of farm we have, the different jobs that are done on the farm and how we take care of our animals.
Additional Lessons
Drama - Animal Safety
In class we have been learning about how important it is to be safe on a farm. A big part of this has been learning to respect animals and learning how to be safe around animals. Children enjoyed making short videos on how to be safe around animals and how to read warning signs from animals.
Animal Safety Rules
Animal Safety Worksheets
Staying Safe with Machinery & Vehicles
Webinar - Stay Safe around Machinery and Vehicles on the Farm
Boys and girls have enjoyed taking part in Alma Jordan's Farm Safety Webinars. In the last session children listened to the story 'The Red Tractor. Children then learned about top tips on how they and farmers stay safe around farm machinery and vehicles including the do's and don'ts of quad bikes and tractors. Children enjoyed the programme and more importantly learned a lot about farm safety.
Webinar Quiz
Boys and girls enjoyed taking part in the Webinar Quiz. It was a great to to see how much they had learned from watching the webinar with Alma Jordan.
Staying Safe around Farm Machinery - Discussion Time
This week we based our discussion time around Farm Safety. We discussed the different types of machines that farmers. We also discussed the many dangers associated with farm vehicles and how we can keep safe around farm machinery.
Tractor and Machinery Safety
As our school is in the country we have lots of farms in the area. Our school is situated next to a busy farm. Through the Farm Safe School Programme we are learning a lot about farm safety and how careful we have to be around farm machinery. In school we erected signs so pupils are more aware of the dangers of tractors and machinery on the lane.
Our Farm Machinery Pictures
Different Types Of Farm Machinery
The boys and girls enjoyed learning all about the different farm machinery that is used on a farm.
Tractor & Machinery Worksheets
What Machines Farmers Use
Machines Used on the Farm (Speaker)
Today, Alan who is a local farmer visited our school. He brought his tractor and tiller. The boys and girls were very excited. Alan spoke to the boys and girls about how important it is to be safe around tractors and machinery. We discussed the different blind spots a farmer would have from his tractor. It was great for the children to see the tractor and tiller first hand as it gave them a great opportunity to see how big tractors and machines are and how dangerous the can be. Thank you Alan for this experience.
Tractor Safety
Well done to the Senior Room for teaching the Junior Room all about STOP IT. The Senior Room learned all about tractor safety and one of their tasks were to learn about all the things a farmer has to think of when parking his tractor after a busy day at the farm. They then made posters to represent each letter. When all the letter posters were complete they then had the task to present their work to the Junior Room. The senior Room did a fantastic job, well done.
Know Your Blind Spots
Know Your Blind Spots
As a class we discussed what are blind spots? On the whiteboard we looked at a big photo of a tractor and in pairs the children discussed where the farmers' blind spot is and why. Children then placed a big red X on the board to represent the farmers blind spots.
Tractor Safety Checklist
Tractor Safety Checklist
This week boys and girls were learning about all the different things a farmer needs to check on his/her tractor to ensure it is safe. At the end of their lessons children were given a picture of a tractor and they had to write in as many of the tractor safety checklist points they could remember.
PTO Safety
PTO Safety
Tis weel voys and girls have being learning all abot PTO shafts. The have learnt what they are, what they are used for and most importantly how dangerous they are. We wathed videos of PTO shafts in use, a local farmer gave us a PTO shaft cover so boys and girls could see what it looked like and we also made slogans to remind farmers to put on their PTO shaft cover.
Quad Bike Safety
Quad Safety
As a class we learned about different ways a farmer can be safe on a quad. In pairs children chose a safety rule that farmers should follow when on a quad. The boys and girls then made these rules into safety signs and displayed them on the whiteboard around our quad.
Additional Lessons
Agri Aware's Dig in! - Machinery Safety
Every year as a school we teach Agri Aware's Dig in programme as part of our SESE lessons. Pupils enjoy the programme and learn so much about life on the farm and in the countryside.
Machinery Safety Pictures
Farm Safety Articles
Well done Dan for keeping an eye out for articles on Farm Safety. Keep up the good work.
Spot the Dangers
Today boys and girls really enjoyed our 'Spot the Dangers' activity. They spotted all the dangers and gave the solutioins on how to make it safe.
Our Farm Safety Books
Boys and girls in the Junior Room made their own Farm Safety books. These books were made up of the children's work that they completed while taking part in the FSS Programme. Their books are displayed in the class library. They enjoy looking through eachothers books and it promotes great chat and discussion. At the end of the year they will bring home their Farm Safety Books and share what they have learned with their families.
Tales from Riverside Farm Pictures
Lego Farm Machinery
The past few months we have been busy learing all bout farm and machinery safety. The boys and girls have really enjoyed our Farm Safety lessons and you can see this shine through in their play.