On Thursday the 22nd of October pupils visited Feighery’s field where they saw where the pumpkins are grown. They had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and see first hand how a pumpkin grows. The pupils then got to pick out their own pumpkin. They had so much fun carving out their pumpkins. It was great to see the older children helping the younger ones. All children were very proud of their finished pumpkins. We are very grateful to Feighereys for supplying each pupil with a pumpkin. As a school we were delighted to receive the news that we would be awarded our 5th Green Flag. The theme of the flag was ‘Biodiversity’, all pupils worked very hard throughout the year to expand upon their knowledge of biodiversity. Pupils took part in workshops, listened to speakers that visited the school and built a bug hotel. All pupils took on an active role in achieving this award. Well done to all involved, especially to Ms. Flynn who is our Greenschools co-ordinator.
February 2025